BC Business & First Nations at the Sustaining Table: What to Bring and What to Do / CBSR (Summary Research Brief): 2003
The Business Case for Sustainability in BC's Forestry Sector: Opportunities & Realities / CBSR (Summary Research Brief): 2003
Building Sustainable Relationships: Aboriginal Engagement & Sustainability / CBSR: 2006
New Members' Handbook / Cloverleaf Toastmasters: 2007
BLUE DOT DIALOGUES: Building Together on Common Ground / DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION: 2014
Planning the 2015-16 BC Blue Dot Dialogues: Reflection on Personalities, Politics & Power / SFU Certificate in Dialogue & Civic Engagement (Practicum Written Brief): 2015
A Review of Adam Kahane's POWER AND LOVE / CLEAN COMMUNICATION: 2015
Review of William v. BC (Supreme Court of BC decision) / MINERAL EXPLORATION, AMEBC: Spring 2008)
Liability and Compensations Aspects of Immunization Injury: A Call for Reform / Osgoode Hall Law Journal: 1980
Mineral Exploration, Mining and Aboriginal Community Engagement: A Guidebook / AME BC: 2006
Building Sustainable First Nation Communities in BC: Toward a Collaborative Agenda / Naut'sa mawt Resources Group (Indian & Northern Affairs Canada): 2006
BC's Joint Planning & Policy Development Forum Process, A Historical Review: 1999-2005 / Naut'sa mawt Resources Group (Indian & Northern Affairs Canada): 2006
Law Society of BC Annual Report: 2006 / 2007 Marcom Platinum Award for "excellence in creativity, resourcefulness and overall quality"
Advocating for Equal Opportunities / Law Society of BC Benchers' Bulletin: 2007, No. 5, December, Feature Article
The Law Society of BC Appointments Guidebook / The Law Society of BC: 2012